Guidelines for Papers
Materials should include:
• The text of the paper, in .doc or .docx format (between 20'000 and 25'000 characters, spaces included)
• A short biographical note (max. 300 characters, spaces included)
• An abstract (max. 1500 characters, spaces included)
• 5 keywords
• Bibliography and references
• Max. 10 images (with captions)
FormattingSubmission files must be typed according to the following criteria.
• The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format (.doc or .docx).
• The text should be 1,5 line-spaced and use the Times New Roman 12-point font.
• The article’s title must be highlighted in bold type 14-point font.
• Headings should be preferable unnumbered. First level headings are bold, second level headings are italic 12-point font.
• Headings are never closed by full stop. The bold type must not be used in other cases.
• Short quotations (<40 words) must be enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”) and run on with the main text. For a quotation within a quotation, single quotation marks should be used (‘ ’). Longer quotations (>40 words) should be separated by a single line break before and a single line break after the quoted text.
• Long quotations should be restricted to a paragraph indent of 1 cm from both sides and should not be enclosed within quotation marks.
• British and American English are both acceptable, provided that the choice is consistently employed throughout the text and assured that articles are formatted according to the corresponding norms of punctuations, abbreviations, spelling.
•The use of italics should be limited to:
Italian or English words of uncommon use, like facilities, engagé, ad hoc, deus ex machina;
titles of literary works, artistic and cinematographic works
How to use footnotes (Chicago Manual of Style)
Notes must be typeset as footnotes and should be used for bibliographic references and archival sources.
A note number should be placed at the end of a sentence or at the end of a clause. The number normally follows the punctuation.
For general rules on style, please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style (the most recent edition) online at:
Links / URL
All the links and URL addresses in footnotes or bibliography have to be activated and ready to click and edited in full extended version.
Illustrations and photos, should be submitted in .tiff or .jpg format, scaled at 100%, resolution at least 300 dpi.
Charts and diagrams should be in .png format.
Number the files and clearly mark the spot where the photo should be inserted (Fig.01).
The figures must be sent as additional files packed in a separate folder (zip, rar, …) and named with two-digit numbers in order of appearance (01.jpg, 02.png, 03.tiff, …).
Provide the captions in a separated word document.
All information concerning images, graphics and tables (author, title, date, source or image location, copyright) must be sent in a separated word document, marked with Arabic numerals corresponding to the name of the relative files.
The authors must guarantee for the copyright of the images sent.
Please Consult - Paper File Template.
For further inquiries please email:
_important dates
• The call for abstracts will be opened starting September 27th 2021.
• The deadline for submitting abstracts is November 12th 2021. [ ]
• Authors will receive notification on their abstracts on December 17th 2021.
• Authors of accepted abstracts are requested to submit their full papers on March 18th 2022.
• Authors will receive revisions and notification on their full papers by May 6th 2022.
• Authors wishing to have their papers considered for e-book publication with an A category publisher with the possibility of being indexed, will have to respond to comments sent and resubmit their perfected full papers on June 10th 2022.